Once you’re done cleaning your workspace, see if stops drifting your cursor on your screen. You should also check your mouse sensor to ensure there are no dust particles that may obstruct its movement or accuracy. Your desk surface, mouse pad, or trackpad may attract dust or oil throughout usage and it’s best to keep those things neat and clean to avoid such circumstances. Type the following command: MouseSC圆4.exe /PrimaryButton:Right Hit the Enter button, and the word 'Ok' appears, which indicates that the setting was applied.

The most common cause for the cursor moving on its own is a dirty workspace. Clean Your Desk Surface, Mouse Pad or Trackpad

Select the button that you want to reassign. Using the mouse that you want to configure, start Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center. Cursor speed: Drag the slider to the left or right to determine cursor speed. If you prefer using a mouse with your left hand, this is the first option that you may want to modify. Clean Your Desk Surface, Mouse Pad or Trackpad To reassign a button across all applications. Select your primary button: Switch the primary mouse button to the left (default) or right.